
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Week in review

We've been doing school since June, just a few days a week. Our official "first day" will be in September, but we're embracing a gradual start to kindergarten, so this week we stepped things up a little more. I'm hoping to blog about each week, at least through pictures, so we can have a nice summary of our work this year!

Telling time and learning about money were favorite activities this week.

As well as art (especially since I could supervise and read my book!).

And we read a lot, naturally.

We try to cap off our weeks with Friday afternoon playdoh. Simultaneous play lasted almost an hour (yay!), then Will moved on to books and Emma continued on her own, making the entire alphabet with cookie cutters.

And we introduced a new level of Robot Turtles while they waited for dinner. They can't get enough of this game, and we love that it's fun for adults too.

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