
Monday, March 23, 2009

Wii fit

I got a wii fit for my birthday and have really enjoyed using it this past week. I never thought that I would do yoga, mostly because it just looks silly to me; but I have been doing yoga on the wii fit and it is a really good workout and strength and balance builder! There are also lots of games and exercises that are fun to do but have some practical benefit at the same time. (There are also some games that are just plain fun and I dont think they have any physical benefit!) The wii fit even gets on you for not working out everyday - it says "too busy to work out yesterday, huh?" And it makes fun of you sometimes! - "do you find yourself tripping over your own feet?" But it has a lot of good, practical advice about working out, balance and strength training, and the importance of having an active lifestyle - things that most video games cannot boast.

1 comment:

Adrian and Meredith said...

Yoga is an unbelievably good workout. I started doing it a few weeks ago with a video and was baffled at how sore I was! It just seems like glorified stretching, but it's really intense.